The Spinner Bulletin January 4 2024
The Spinner January 4  2024
Notes from the Rotary Meeting 12.30pm Thursday, January 4, 2024
President Jackie chaired the meeting. Guests Neil Robbins and Glenda Simms were welcomed.
Club Business
Toonie Quest West
There was no winner on the Toonie Quest West draw on January 6 so the money will be rolled over into the winnings on the January 11 draw.  For anyone who paid for advance draws, do check to see if it is time to pay more money into the weekly Toonie Quest West draw. 
 It is hoped to have a table at the Winter Carnival Craft Fair in February to explain and sell subscriptions to this weekly draw that supports Xavier House and the Rotary Club of Corner Brook.
Adventures in Citizenship
The Adventures in Citizenship program will be going ahead this year in May in Ottawa.  Thanks go to Lesley who has successfully chaired this program in the past and a new chair will be named shortly.
Guest Speaker
Program-chair Gerry introduced the Honourable Gerry Byrne, Minister of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills and the Member of the House of Assembly, MHA for the Corner Brook electoral district. 
Gerry began by saying how pleased he was to speak to Rotary and how this Rotary forum for guest speakers helps stimulate debate and is a venue in which opinions can be expressed. He urged Rotary to stay strong and to continue to invite guest speakers to Rotary meetings. He was proud to be the first guest speaker for 2024. 
Communication between communities is greatly needed and then spoke of the success of Bay of Island FM radio station which through receiving up to 1 million dollars up front has been revitalised to become a strong community influence in the area. He noted the radio station has just received a national community award which is quite an achievement.
Gerry went on to look at some of the highlights of 2023. 
A major one is that the Newfoundland and Labrador population has increased by14,000.  This affects businesses – employers and employees and of course communities. Newfoundland has now a large Ukrainian population which is contributing in many ways to the economy.  He referred to housing which is a multifaceted issue and that in general new immigrants are not looking for social housing. He urged Corner Brookers to welcome and encourage new immigrants to the city. 
He went on to speak about Corner Brook in the coming year. 
 He noted that the new hospital is due to open later in the year. He spoke of some of the highlights of the new hospital with the modern individual rooms, clinics with the most modern equipment, radiation unit, dialysis unit and cancer care clinic.  Gerry referred to what will happen to the old hospital building. The Nursing School will for the moment still be based in the old hospital, but it will rest with Grenfell Campus and Memorial University when it has a new home.  
The Corner Brook port is doing extremely well commercially and in the tourism sector.  
Gerry feels the paper mill will continue as it has new markets, and he feels as a well-managed mill it will continue to exist.
The Corner Brook post-secondary educational institutions Grenfell Campus and College of the North Atlantic Campus are noted for their environmental excellence.  Now that hydrogen energy is becoming mainstream future training programs will be offered for those wishing to be employed in this sector.
 Gerry concluded that 2024 should be a good year for growth and prosperity for Corner Book
Bernd thanked Gerry on behalf of the club, for his talk before the meeting adjourned.
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