Notes from the Rotary Meeting 12.30pm Thursday, January 19, 2023
President Jackie chaired the meeting.
Guest Lynn Howse, Regional Outreach Officer, Western Regional Waste Management was welcomed.
Club Business
 District  Rebate
Jackie informed Rotarians that the result of combining Rotary districts 7810 and 7820 into district 7820 on July 1, 2022, there will be a rebate on the district dues in 2023.
Leadership Course
President Jackie had received information about a RLI leadership course. Jackie has the details of the course so if you are interested in learning more, please contact her.
Guest Speaker
Program - chair Bernd introduced the guest speaker Jason King, Chief Administrative Officer, CAO of the Western Regional Waste Management Board.
Jason began his presentation by his talk ‘s agenda beginning with an overview of the Regional Service Board, followed by talking about waste management and ending with other services offered by the Board.
He showed the area covered by the Western Board with a breakdown of the population in each ward. He explained the structure of the Board and how operationally it all fitted together. There are 11 members on the Board plus the chair Rotarian Bernd.  The members of the Board are all municipal councillors.
Each area Board comes under the provincial Regional Service Board Act.
Jason went on to discuss the Provincial Waste Management Strategy and its aim to divert 50% of materials going to landfill and to reduce the number of landfills by 80%, to eliminate open burning and the use of incinerators. The result of this strategy will be to change attitudes, prevent illegal indiscriminate dumping, be more environmentally friendly, keep costs reasonable and will encourage community responsibility.
Jason continued by speaking of the closures of many Western landfills and the use of transfer stations and public drop off points.  He then continues by talking of the Central Regional Service Board Landfill at Norris Arm. He spoke of its lined concrete construction and drainage design to collect clean water.
He went on to look at the breakdown of local waste, its transportation and the costs involved.
He finished his talk by looking at additional services offered by the Board both now and in the future. One initiative he noted was that 14 communities are involved with the Board in the provision of clean water.
 Jason with Lynn answered several questions before Martin thanked Jason on behalf of the club.  Lynn noted that if there were further questions, she could be contacted at 
The meeting was adjourned.