Notes from the Rotary Meeting 12.30pm Thursday, August 1, 2024
President Jackie chaired the meeting.  
 Guests Adam Buckle and Patricia Wakeham were introduced and welcomed.
Club Business Meeting
Jackie announced that the weekly 50-50 draw had no winner this week so the money will be rolled over towards the next week draw.
Guest Speaker
Program-chair Adam introduced his guest speaker Tony Wakeham who is also a member of the Stephenville Rotary Club.
Tony began his talk by noting there were many issues on which he could speak but he was going to focus his remarks on healthcare. This involves everyone and it is important to have top quality healthcare. He urged everyone to never stop demanding excellent healthcare. It is important for the healthcare system to change and evolve as new technologies and medicines become available and these need to be adopted.
He continued his talk about the eradication of polio which through the work of Rotary has largely been eradicated. He spoke of the effects of polio before vaccination was possible and how since 1979 Rotary when Rotary took on the mission to eradicate the disease the number of polio cases has been reduced by 99.9%.  It remains endemic in Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan.  
This work is done by Rotarians following the Four Way Test –  
Is it the truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build good will and better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
And the Rotary motto- Service above Self
These values Tony brings to his public life with his motto being “People before Politics”
Through Rotary’s work to eradicate polio it became a vehicle for a collective effort from countries, organisations and people. 
 He then looked at the Newfoundland and Labrador Medical system and the number of people with no primary care and the collective effort needed to change the system to where it should be.  Tony talked about the need to train young professionals into health care and to offer them permanent jobs in communities while still students. People need early access to diagnoses, care from Nurse Practitioners and the costs of early medical intervention should be covered were just a couple of ideas he mentioned.
 He continued by talking about help needed for seniors before answering several questions.
Gerry thanked Tony for his interesting and informative talk before the meeting was adjourned.