Belated Notes from the Rotary Meeting 12.30pm Thursday, December 15, 2023
President Jackie chaired the meeting.
Guests Jennifer Hartley, Neil Robbins and Stelman Flynn were introduced and welcomed.
Club Business
The next meeting on December 22nd will be the Christmas meeting at which the Hamilton family group - ‘The Hamiltones’ will be performing.  There will be no lunch meeting on December 29th but a social will be held in the evening at the home of President Jackie.
Paula has agreed to continue as the chair of the Rotary Music Festival committee. The new Vice-Chair of the committee will be Karen Michael.
Thanks, from the club go to both Paula and Karen for volunteering their services in leading the Rotary Music Festival committee.
Guest Speaker
Program - chair Carol introduced the guest speaker Tammy Priddle, President & ChiefExecutive Officer at Deer Lake Regional Airport. Tammy gave a most interesting and informative presentation beginning with the economic input of the airport as an economic regional sparkplug for the area. She continued by looking at the aircraft movements between 2009 – 2021. In 2021 the airport was the fourth busiest in the Atlantic Canada region. She spoke of the strong passenger recovery in 2022 with the newcomers Swoop and Flair adding to the regular carriers PAL and Air Canada. The importance of the Deer Lake airport to the major tourism destinations in the area was noted. She spoke of the airport’s strategic plan for 2022 – 2024 before noting challenges the airport will need to face in the future. Jackie thanked Tammy on behalf of the club for her presentation.