Notes from the Rotary Meeting 12.30pm Thursday, March 30, 2023
Vice-President Olaf chaired the meeting.
Guest Speaker
Honorary Rotarian Martin gave a detailed introduction of the guest speaker William “Bill” Pardy. The main details of Bill’s extensive introduction follow as the introduction encompasses the life and beliefs of Bill through which he has lived his life.
William (Bill) is an Economic and Community Practitioner with over 40 years of professional experience in Canada and Internationally.
He is a Certified Economic Developer with a Diploma in Economic Development from the University of Waterloo in Canada.
The foundation for his work evolved from a diverse and varied background in business, work with communities, all levels of governments and non-governmental bodies, complimented by 12 years as councillor and Mayor of Pasadena in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
A combination of work and volunteer experience developed comprehensive abilities. skills and an aptitude of creativity, innovation and problem solving.
Besides his work and experience in North America, he has lived and worked in Quebec, Scotland, Ukraine, and The Gambia and has completed numerous assignments in Europe, throughout Africa, Asia including China, Hong Kong. Taiwan, Thailand, and India.
These assignments and extensive travels led to innate understanding of humanness and an inherent appreciation of people, a sensitivity to their needs, and a gift of sharing that is the basis to his life and work. He is a humanist, supporter, and contributor to people in some of the poorest countries in the world.
He and has come to realize that the problems in the world are not about the economy, politics, or religion, but relate to the number of people in the world who have forgotten what it is to be human.
The real question that it appears no one wants to address, is how to lead people back to the basis of humanness, whereby compassion, caring and sharing, all the basis of love are its foundation and not wealth, possessions, and power over.
William is an avid essayist with articles and essays published by universities, in academic and other journals and through various media sources relating to community. economic and social issues
He has had much opportunity, as well, in his role as a resource person, facilitator and
facilitator/moderator for conferences and workshops to share these ideas and views.
Bill has acquired knowledge and expertise, in Community, Economic, Regional, International and Organizational Development as well as Practical Research, Community and Capacity Building, Civil Society, Local Government and Project Management and Evaluation.
Through this Bill has come to realize that compassion, caring, and sharing, (love) especially with those less fortunate brings rewards beyond what money or gold can buy.
Bill began his presentation by giving more details about his life and career throughout the world before speaking of people and families in Africa and in particular The Gambia that he supports and helps. Bill has supported 23 children who all are in school or university.  He went on to speak in detail of a couple of times when he has helped and supported families through medical needs and his raising of money in one case for heart surgery.
Olaf thanked Bill for speaking to Rotary and for revealing that the humanity of good people helps to end inhumanity shown by others.
The meeting adjourned at 1.30pm.